Sunday, September 30, 2007

My 1st post

Well, It's official, I cought on to the blogging trend............ABOUT TIME!! Meh..... I'm just way to lazy and sleep deprived to be honest. I'm doing this now because my little one is asleep. YES ASLEEP you read that right!! We had to resort to some modified CIO, last night , and it was HORRIBLE, but It had to be done. I'm not a CIO advocate by any means, but no one in this house was getting sleep, including the baby. I hate the fact that I have to defend as to WHY I did it, I just have this guilt because all this time I swore up and down I would never ever do such a thing. Anyhow, at this point in time, I dont feel like explaining, Im so tired..........the couple of hours I did get of sleep, was on the floor becasue I didnt wanna open the door and wake her up. I'm so stinking miserable, You should see my house, then just maybe you would understand my frustration with this no sleeping business. Never judge a man unless you have walked a mile in his shoes, is all I have to say. My dad is on his way and bringing some WD40 for the door so it wont squeak, therefore I wont have to sleep on the dang floor.

You are probably wondering how I got my blog title........... when I was 17 I joined a site called and I couldn't come up with a screen name so I resorted to a band name generator LOL. In the end I grew on to the name and use it for several things, I like it.

Alright, Dad's here for a visit.........I'm liking this blog stuff.......its theraputic! I can see why its addicting for some.