Thursday, October 25, 2007

So I haven't updated in forever, I have been meaning too, but I just didn't feel like it, if that makes any sense. Sh!ts gone down in my house, lots of drama, which has been coming and going quite a bit. I decided that alot of the problems are my fault, I just dont feel good about myself. Ive gained 60lbs since getting married and its taken a toll on my already crappy self esteem. I find myself picking at DH for very stupid reasons, just because I dont feel good about me. Murph from MM inspired me to get some funky stuff done to my hair. I think I let it grow too much and I just cant maintain such legthy hair right now. So I decided to go chop some of it off on Friday, (since my SIL gave me a giftcard to the place for our recent holiday)I'll relayer it so it will look good curly and I'll also add a big streak, I've always wanted a kool, white streak like storm from X-Men. I plan on wearing it straight for the most part. SO we shall see! Maybe, just maybe that will get me to feeling alittle better and perhaps give me the will power I need to lose some weight and take care of myself.

My little tater tot is 7 months old already. She began to crawl last week, now shes following me everywhere. I took some pics of her, and here is one of my favorites. The only thing about crawling I dont like, is the eating every crumb off teh floor part. I pick in her mouth every 10 minutes with something I never even saw. Its crazy how many times a day I have to vaccum and still she finds something to eat. It's SO funny though, how she acts like its the most delicious thing shes ever had and gets quite upset when I take it out lol.
I'm heading to bed, perhaps I'll update again tomorrow.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Well today Sairah decided to sleep in with mommy, we had yet another tough tough night, so when she got up at 8AM (afer going to bed at 5AM) I brought her to bed with me and she nursed to sleep, and I dozed off too. We woke up around noon, I figured I should let her catch up on her sleep because If we got up at 8 we were both going to be super unhappy all morning, and possibly all day. I think I looked just like homer, except with Sairah Latched on LOL!

Moving on. I see that the Samsung Blast is all over the internet now, theres adds everywhere. I feel so cool because thats the phone I have, and I got it before it "came out" I must say I just LOVE this phone, so much so, that I actually keep it n all day and night. HA HA! t-mobile owed me an upgrade, so I sold the old phone I had(which I never turned on cuz I hated it) and I bought this one for FREE! ha!
Notice the size comparison, its not lie! This really has got to be the koolest phone ever. I could use a way better camera, becasue at a whoping 1.3 megapixels, this camera takes pretty crappy pics. This phone makes texting a BREEZE, it has a learning curve, but over all way easier than ur regular phone, unless of course, you own a blackberry. they have the same kind of "keyboard". So you can actually get your email on this phone with no extra charges, but I cant seem to get my email addresses to log on the phone, I 'll keep trying though.
So Thats all the input I have for this phone so far, but if you are looking for a new phone, look into this one, its AWESOME.
marchmoms is down right I guess I should go clean the kitchen. BLAH.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sleep is a great thing!

So I'm sitting here on my couch, infront of the TV, with my laptop.......on my lap lol. I just finished a cup of coffee, and I think I'm gonna go hit the shower. Guess where Sairah is?? Yes, you have that right, she is SLEEPING. She is in her crib taking a NAP. She is doing what babies should do best, catching some good ole' Z's. Now I don't know what to do with mysefl, I feel overwhelmed, I have so much to catch up on!
This picture, I just took right now, look how dang peaceful that baby looks!!

Yesterday our day went like this:

8:00 AM (on the dot) Sairah woke up for the day. She had some boob in bed with me, and we got up to play. I gave her some solids after an hour, then we played for 30 minutes, she had some more boob and I put her in her crib, she fussed for a few minutes and was out by 10:15AM. She took a THREE hour nap, and so did I!!
she woke up at 1:30 ish and she had some mama milk, we played and hung out for 2 hours and she had some more mam milk (she likes BF alot lol) and she went down almost without a fuss and slept for 2 hours.
she woke up around 6PM and she ate again, we played, and she had solids, a nice massage, a bubble bath and some mama milk.

I put her in her crib at 8:00 PM and she was out by 8:10 she did fuss for almost the 10 minutes but she wasnt screaming or anything so I let her be. she did have several wakings between then and 12 AM, but I left her alone and she went back to sleep every time she woke up. Mind you, I was watching her every move on the video monitor..... I dont think I could handle this without watching her.

So at 12AM I got her becasue she woke up crying pretty loud, so I figured she must be hungry, she had both breasts and I put her back down, she wasnt happy at ALL...... SO I stood there with her patted her back, and then I just sat on my bed, which is next to her crib. I knew she would be more upset becasue I was there, but I wasnt about to leave her alone, it's too heart breaking. She was out withing 20 minutes. She whimpered like an hour after that, but she got her paci herself and fell back to sleep.
Mama went to bed at 2:40 AM and slept all the way till 8AM without any wakings!! Needless to say, I feel human again! and my little girl seemed so much happier in the morning! her black circles under her eyes are improving, she is looking GREAT!

Let me show you what my house is like, so you can see just how bad things are..........

This is my Living room. Thats her co-sleeper I just took out to put her crib in. I know the place isnt decorated.......again lack of TIME. The picture doesnt look so bad, but that fish bowl hasnt been changed in 2 months, the poor littleguy must feel abandoned. and also you have to remember that I have a small place, its an apartment so little mess looks HUGE. Oh and you cant see all the crubss and that rug. YUCK.

This here, is my dining room...........Im just to embarassed to show my kitchen and bathrooms.
But this just shows that something had to give, and it did, and I just hope this lasts!
Well Im off to hit the shower! I stink and my haris is crusty form the moose I put in there 2 days ago.